RC International School Celebrated the tricolor of the Indian Flag on the occasion of Independence Day

11Sep, 2024
August 15th, 1947, marks a significant milestone in the history of India. It was the day when our nation finally broke free from the chains of colonial oppression, after centuries of struggle. Every year, this momentous occasion is celebrated with great zeal and enthusiasm, not only at the national level but also in cities, towns, schools, colleges, and universities across the country. The epicenter of the Independence Day celebrations is the historic Red Fort in New Delhi. However, the spirit of patriotism and freedom resonates in every corner of India. Schools also play a crucial role in commemorating this important day. This year, RC International School on Hessaraghatta Main Road meticulously prepared for the festivities, from designing eye-catching display boards to arranging vibrant decorations, enforcing dress codes, organizing inspiring speeches, and planning captivating cultural events.

The festivities began in the morning, with our school’s pupil leader, house captains, and house vice-captains leading the way. Accompanied by the school’s cadets and a lively marching band, they extended a warm welcome to our esteemed chief guests, Dr. Shivananjaiah and Dr. Niranthara Ganesh. We were also honored to have distinguished guests like Smt. Shruthi HK, the president of Alur Grama Panchayat, and Smt. Sandhya, the president of Karghatpur Grama Panchayat, along with Imt. Manjula Ramachandra Reddy, trustee of the In Anagnade Charitable & Educational Trust, Chairman Ramachandra Reddy of RC International School, and our principal, Smt. Kadambari Peiya, gracing the occasion. Several other special dignitaries added to the grandeur of the event.
The highlight of the day came when the national flag was hoisted at 10:00 AM. Students and teachers stood in solemn reverence, saluting the flag, followed by the heartfelt rendition of the National Anthem, which left no one untouched. This was followed by an impressive march past on the school grounds, accompanied by the stirring tunes of the band.
The program continued with valuable speeches from the chief guest, students, and the symbolic lighting of the lamp. Cultural performances added color and vibrancy to the celebration. Students from grades 3 to 5 captivated the audience with a mesmerizing group dance, while high school students showcased their agility and unity through yoga displays and human pyramids. Notably, Master Hardik from grade 9 displayed remarkable talent in a face painting demonstration, earning him a silver medal.
The Independence Day celebrations drew to a close around 10:30 PM, followed by a delightful refreshment session that brought together students, teachers, parents, and our enthusiastic audience.
Independence Day holds immense importance in the hearts of every citizen. It serves as an annual reminder of the sanctity of freedom and the responsibility that each citizen bears in safeguarding it. We take pride in being one of the renowned CBSE schools in Chikkabanavara, and our commitment to nurturing young minds at our school on Hesaraghatta Main Road continues to be unwavering.
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