Nurturing students physically and mentally

17Sep, 2024
Children are the future assets of the society and the country who will be responsible to bring change in order to transform society making lives better. For sustainable life, we should adapt to ourselves with the passage of time. School is the place where children come to gain knowledge about the different domains of the world. Knowledge is the most powerful asset that a person can have, once it is acquired it enhances the personality and maturity that highly influences the way of thinking, behavior, and taking actions. Knowledge is infinite and the learning process is never-ending, it is well said that “knowledge is power”.

Every child at its growing and learning stage should be nurtured well to make them powerful people in the future. A school is a place where the foundation is laid for the student’s thinking and thought process through education. Nurturing a child physically is as important as nurturing mentally as their physical growth takes place during school days. Students should be physically strong to study and think differently. Sports and games activities are the best things to make them physically strong and stay healthy. It not only makes them fit and healthy but also enhances their personality, builds discipline, teamwork, leadership skills, and patience, students accept failures as an inevitable part of life, respect each other along with building brotherhood. It is true that the tougher the competition more skills the participants develop and the more things they learn.

RCIS is one of the best CBSE schools near Chikkabanavara encourages students to be active participants in academics but also to take leadership in every aspect outside academics such as co-curricular activities, sports, and games and that is why RCIS is top international schools in Hesaraghatta road. Recently RCIS organized a cluster-level sports meet for its students to engage students in physical activity. Students participated with full energy and gave their best performance on the ground. More than 10 different individual and team sports were conducted on the RCIS ground. The event was fully managed by the Physical Education department.

The eventwas inaugurated by the RCIS chairman Mr. Ramachandra Reddy. After the finals trophies and certificates were given to the winners along with the goodies. Parents and other local people were the main spectators. The ground was filled with full of cheers.
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